Saturday, October 31, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Divas Live!

My Granny. Clearly she was somethin' else.

School started. This year I have drawing and photography, hopefully fibres too (cross your fingers for me!). I haven't really started doing work yet though. I also one day hope to post pictures of my apartment. That's all.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Vintage Paint-By-Numbers

An attempt at step-by-step, foiled slightly by laziness. I had the best of intentions.

Next up:

Craft kits from a long time ago are really special. I like old-meets-new and pretending I'm a kid from a long time ago. Plus it's better than buying vintage because it doesn't smell like someone else's house.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Cat Power

Hey, here's a cute pic of my cat.

Don't worry, I'm working on my vintage paint-by-numbers. A content-laden post will arrive soon.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

3 - Sunshiney

Who needs a Holga when you have an ancient Grandpa camera? Light leaks ahead.

That's it! Back to rewatching True Blood!

2 - Low Light and Good Food

And funny faces!

1 - Old Old Fisheye

My scanner is so dusty, I'm kind of embarrassed. Sorry! Just pretend it is the night sky.

Almost a year and a half ago but still the most fun party ever.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Twin Peaks!

Wacky FBI agents and dramatic plotline aside, Twin Peaks' main pull factor has been the jizz-worthy Canadian-ness of its sets and costumes. It's set five miles south of the border, but wood paneling is wood panelling no matter how you spin it.
I'm in love with Ben's nameplate and Audrey's tree cardigan, but the question remains, would I be able to pull off a hockey jersey with ribbed leggings?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Meryl Streep Day

Everyone I know who loves Meryl is five hours away, so on this rainy Meryl Streep day I drank my dad's merlot and baked some cupcakes and watched The Devil Wears Prada. (Excuse the webcam pics - apparently I'm too lazy to use a proper camera nowadays.)
I've gotta get up early, but watching The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency pilot with my parents has made me crave Out of Africa as one more Meryl Streep Day celebration.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Back in the BLVD
Guys, it's summer. I go back to grocery heaven the day after tomorrow. I've tried drawing for fun but it's really hard when I don't have someone passive-aggressively encouraging/discouraging my creative endeavors.

This summer I want to read Wuthering Heights (I'm watching the movie as we speak - Ralph FINEs is more like it - but it's also kind of scary!), and maybe try to finish up Mrs Dalloway. I will prob just end up reading tons of Agatha Christie again because she has infinite novels and they require minimal brainpower. I also think I need to watch True Blood and I kind of want to give Battlestar Gallactica a try (like I need another TV show to be obsessed with).

ALSO I'm going to learn to cook or something. Miss you already, Chartwells!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Ceramics (Never Again)

Packing is the worst, especially in 30 degree weather. Today I used up the last of my laundry card though, which was sweet. Here's some ceramics I made.

Cosmology Project

Decals on Ikea plates.

Canadian Souvenir project

They are magnets!!!

It doesn't feel like Monday. If I can afford brandy I am going to make sangria! Otherwise I will just drink two bottles of wine and eat some fruits. Which will still rule.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wildlife Series - Part II

Fixed my camera, somehow. It is my specialty, I guess.

Stay tuned for an end of the year ceramics post also!!!