Thursday, March 5, 2009

Reading Week!!!

Is over. Back in Montreal. I just got assigned a project in drawing that will go until the end of the semester. This makes me uncomfortable but so excited for spring.

This week I went clubbing (lol), glazed bowls until my eyes glazed over, missed Newmarket and was pretty happy with the weather. Also I am now almost entirely content with Kate Winslet as Best Actress 2009, half because I watched The Reader and half because I read this quote from her:
I embarrassingly went up to [Meryl Streep] at the Golden Globes last year, having never met her. I was completely sober at the time, I hasten to add. And I said, 'I love you so much I want to tongue-kiss you'. And she said, 'Okay'.
And on that note, goodnight! Time for 30 Rock.

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