Tuesday, June 16, 2009

3 - Sunshiney

Who needs a Holga when you have an ancient Grandpa camera? Light leaks ahead.

That's it! Back to rewatching True Blood!

2 - Low Light and Good Food

And funny faces!

1 - Old Old Fisheye

My scanner is so dusty, I'm kind of embarrassed. Sorry! Just pretend it is the night sky.

Almost a year and a half ago but still the most fun party ever.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Twin Peaks!

Wacky FBI agents and dramatic plotline aside, Twin Peaks' main pull factor has been the jizz-worthy Canadian-ness of its sets and costumes. It's set five miles south of the border, but wood paneling is wood panelling no matter how you spin it.
I'm in love with Ben's nameplate and Audrey's tree cardigan, but the question remains, would I be able to pull off a hockey jersey with ribbed leggings?