Thursday, January 29, 2009

THIS is American Idol

"Combine drawing with something else you like," says my teach. A 1983 National Geographic and a 1979 Country Living later, I came up with this. "Sophisticated. A distanced, gently cynical look at another era." Is everyone at art school on crack? I guess so, because a guy in my class said this was "vaguely disturbing".

Self-adhesive wood panels so easy to use, they make panelling woman's work.

ALSO I AM SICK. Breathing: ow; talking: ow; swallowing: oww! Hollywood week is so soon and then I will finally be happy. Maybe. TV makes the week fly by.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ceramics Can Suck It

Seriously. Hates it.

Leaky; poorly glazed.

"Still Life" Assignment.

Just for fun.

Next up: six bowls, Canadian souvenirs, decals on Ikea plates. And then no ceramics ever again. 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

It's Guys Like You, Ricky!

Okay, I lost my camera cord! I mean, I don't know where it is and I haven't really bothered to look for it. But when I find it this thing will be up and running, because I have stuff to post!

Currently: 30 Rock, Ricky Gervais podcasts (lol is not strong enough an acronym), insomnia, collage, making bowls, instant coffee (yes, I went there),

P.S. Agent Scully - Light cream cheese is a-okay. It's the 95% fat free shit you have to look out for. Worst $3.48 I ever spent.